Another month has come to an end….and this one is my favorite so I am extra sad to see it go. I thought it only appropriate to end with a look back at a few of my favorites – from fall and from October.
Fall favorites – every year:
Pumpkins are everywhere! The white ones used to be a bit rarer but I have been seeing them a lot this year. It seems the new “trend” in pumpkins are the lumpy, bumpy ones. I’m not sure how much I love those but I am always (always!) a year or two late when it comes to embracing trends…so, I’m sure I’ll have a porch full of them year after next!
Actually, fall decor, in general, is my absolute favorite. I would say even more than Christmas decorating but I might risk losing all my readers. Fall decorations just make me happy. Wondering the aisles of any home store this time of year is my complete happy place.
Fall clothes are another favorite. Cozy sweaters (but not the bulk of winter ones), cute tights, outfits of burgundy, grey, navy, yellow or orange – I enjoy it all. Clothes that actually cover a body are just one more thing to like about fall. Just sayin.
Some specific blessing from October this year:
The return to Bible study. I met every Tuesday this month with a great group of ladies – several I met for the first time – and it has been a blessing. The actual study has not been particularly deep or challenging but anytime you get into the word, there is something to learn and this study has certainly held its nuggets of wisdom. The real blessing has been sharing with the ladies each week. Each one of us seems to get something different from the lesson and it is great to learn from one another. Today is the last study until after Christmas and I will admit, I’m sad for it to end.
Another trip to Lancaster. Yes, it is one of my favorite places:) This month’s trip we shared with some of our dearest friends. We laughed, and ate, and shopped and ate and had the perfect day! Definitely a highlight of this month! We also spent another evening out with them earlier in the month. We are blessed with their friendship.
One year anniversary. My brother had cancer surgery a year ago this month – and convalesced at our house. I’m not sure if it was the excellent post-op care or not, but this month marks one-year cancer-free and doing great!! I have only the one brother and I am more grateful for him that I ever say.
Oreos. Yes, that is random. And, yes, I am thankful for Oreos any month. In any season. But this month, we received Oreos (decorated and everything!) – delivered to the door. From our daughter and “just because”! She knows what speaks to our hearts! Both of our children are such a joy…….I would be remiss if I did not mention them in this list of many blessings this month!
It has been a wonderful October! I am looking forward to all God has in store for November! What has been your greatest blessing this past month??
I love fall too, Jennifer. The fall decor with its warm, homey colors, the cooler weather and pumpkin spice lattés, the way the sun shadows things around us, and the colors everywhere.
My favorite thing probably actually happened today: my hubs came home after being gone for work for 2 1/2 weeks. I feel lighter just having him home. 🙂
Thank you. I also love the fall. And decoration. Great you brother Greates blessing is the love of my husband.
That does sound like a great October! And I'm with you, fall is my favorite season. I love the beautiful colors, cozy sweaters, and comfort food!