The Blessing of Needs

Another Friday – already.  It has been a beautiful autumn week.  Maybe it is Thanksgiving season or simply the beautiful trees, but it often seems easier to see God’s goodness – in all aspects of our lives – this time of year!  I hope your days have been blessed.  We are, indeed, blessed and interestingly the prompt for today’s Five Minute Friday is NEED.  As always, all of the thoughts on “need” can be found here.

GO – I love missions and I have a real heart for missionaries.  I love to read missionary prayer letters and updates.  I love to read how God is working not only in the lives of the missionaries but how the gospel is changing lives, families, whole villages all around the world.  As well, in these letters, there is never a shortage of needs.

Whether a missionary just beginning on deputation or a veteran missionary with many years of service on the field…..whether serving in a metropolitan city or in a remote village of South America….no matter who or where, there is always need.

Financial needs, of course.  The exchange rate can affect support monthly.  But also the need for more laborers.  “The laborers are few” has never been truer than today.  There is the need for supplies – materials in native languages, building supplies and even the need simply for Bibles.  There is the need for encouragement and friendship.  The mission field can be very lonely and, yes, missionaries are all as human as the rest of us.

I often wish there was a way to do more…to meet more of the need or even to supply it all.  Wave a magic wand or some such.  Of course, I know that God can supply and meet every need.  Abundantly even.  But without any need where would be cause for faith?  For deeper dependence on Him?

God supplied the Israelites just enough manna for each day.  Each morning, the children had to gather again what God had given.  God filled the widow’s cruse of oil each day to meet the need for her, her son and for Elijah.  The oil would be used but graciously given again each morning.  God did not fail or forget.

STOP – and my take away…..

Deuteronomy 31:6:  Be strong and of a good courage……the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.

Even if there were a way to give enough, send enough, or do enough to meet all of the missionary needs, would that be best?  Their needs keep them humbly praying, teach them to trust deeper and help grow their faith in the Christ who never fails.  And our needs can do the same for us as well.


3 thoughts on “The Blessing of Needs

  1. Amen! This is such a needed reminder. We think that our life is better off without needs and tension and stress, but in His severe mercy, He keeps us close to Himself and connected to each other through our needs. Thank you for this insight! Blessings on your autumn weekend 🙂

  2. Great insights here! I think our needs definitely make us aware of our need for God and turn us to him. Otherwise it would be too easy just to get complacent and take all that we have for granted.

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