Time for the next installment of Heather’s monthly Share Four Somethings. I enjoy these reflections on the past month – but, boy, do they come around fast! No lengthy intro this month….let’s just jump right into it!!
Something Loved. Thanksgiving this year. It was totally different. Our typically small group was even smaller. We were not able to go out. Not knowing how mobile my husband would be, I waited too long to make dinner reservations. So, we ate at home. All of it was a departure from the norm – as I’m sure, Thanksgiving was for many this year (for lots of different reasons). For me, it became a real gift. Something our family needed….and we didn’t even realize. I like traditions. I thrive on routine. But, sometimes, “different” can not only be good – it can be even better!
A few of the things from Thanksgiving day that I loved: the weather! Ah, but I say that every single post. But the weather here in Virginia this past Thursday was beyond perfect. I claimed it as a foretaste of things to come in my life!! My mom’s recipe for Mac and Cheese. My husband’s appetite has returned and he really enjoyed his meal. Um, we all really enjoyed the meal. Even the tofu turkey!! Indeed.
Something Read. I added a daily Thanksgiving devotional to my quiet time this past month. And, one day last week I read this thought (very loosely quoted…with my memory): “So often I measure “a good day” by how a day (or its events) pleased me. Rather, it should be determined by how I pleased God.” That thought has been impacting me ever since I read it. I could add much but will let it speak for itself. But, honestly, I will never say (or pray) “Have a good day!” the same way again!!
Something Treasured. Without being dramatic, holidays are hard at our house. For a variety of reasons (and not all particularly deep reasons), we have not had a Christmas tree for several years. We think about it and, one year, even bought one – our first artificial tree – but ended up returning it. Well, that has changed this year. Like I said, change can be good:) Our daughter put up a tree for us. A beautiful tree! We are oohing and ahhing like crazy. She even put lights on all the bushes out front. We’ve never had lights on the bushes. The oohing and ahhing continues. What a gift of love she has given us this year!!
Something Ahead. Well, there’s Christmas:) And all that comes with the holiday season. I think there will, no doubt, be more changes and adjustments this year. That seems to be the theme for 2020 but, no worries. My son will be home for the holidays and that is pretty much all it takes for our holiday season to be complete. Everyone together. I am so excited for him to get here!! My husband also has a December birthday and we are also anticipating the surgeon allowing him to unlock his leg brace…even if just a little bit. It has been locked at zero since his surgery any amount of flexibility will be such a welcome change and relief.
These monthly posts seem to come so quickly. Before I know it, I will be journaling the next one…and Christmas will have actually come and gone! Hard to imagine. I pray each of you has a blessed and beautiful holiday season! Savor all that make it glorious!! Is it too early to say…..Merry Christmas!!
I just discovered the Share Four Somethings link-up this past month and I think it’s so lovely. I haven’t posted my “four something” for November yet but plan to in the next couple of days.
Thanksgiving was very different for us this year too but ended up being such an unexpected blessing.
I love the quote you shared. Such a good reminder to check where our hearts are and our motives everyday.
This has been such a strange hard year and I’m really looking forward to the holiday season.
Thanks for sharing your “four somethings”!
Such a sweet post. I always love what you share with us, so thank you! I participated in this same link-up for the first time ever. You inspired me! I pray your husband keeps finding bits and pieces of relief in spite of his brace, and that he continues to heal. I love what your daughter did for you this year! What a wonderful and beautiful gift. Merry Christmas to you, my friend. May the Lord Himself bless you and yours, keep you, watch over you and go with you.
My kids are starting to take on the decorating at my house. It’s nice to point to the box of lights and ornaments, then sit back and enjoy their creation.
I’m glad that you were able to find some joy this Thanksgiving season. I’m sure it will be wonderful having your whole family under one roof for Christmas.
I’m glad you enjoyed Thanksgiving even if it was different, and I love that thought from your devotional about how we measure a “good day”.
So glad you had a good Thanksgiving and are now enjoying a Christmas tree!!
Thanks, Heather! Hooray for a Christmas tree:)
So behind on my blog reading…am I always saying that or what?? And blog writing, too!!
Glad your Thanksgiving was even more than you hoped for. I think if there is one thing Covid has taught all of us is that we need to remember how to be more flexible and adaptable and open to change. And maybe that we need to slow down and remember who is steering this ship.
How delightful that you have your first Christmas tree in a while. And that it has brought you such delight. Ours is still in the box. Have seen many fresh trees at Lowes and wondered about getting one but then there’s what to do with it after the holidays. Having to drag it off to the landfill or wherever it is poor dead trees go.
Growing up, my mother never liked holidays and usually goes into a tailspin about this time every year. Her dementia has reduced her cognitive ability so significantly this year that I don’t think she remembers how much she dislikes Christmas. Which, for us, is a blessing as she has attempted suicide at this time of year in the past.
Glad your husband is improving. We just learned PC has been exposed to the virus. Off we go for testing tomorrow.