Something to Think About

“God’s people have no assurances that the dark experiences of life will be held at bay,
much less that God will provide some sort of running commentary
on the meaning of each day’s
allotment of confusion, boredom, pain, or achievement.
It is no great matter where we are,
provided we see that the Lord has placed us there,
and that He is with us.”
–John Newton
(emphasis mine)

5 thoughts on “Something to Think About

  1. Hi Jennifer,
    Amen, that is the key to seeing life thru the proper lens, and it helps us in the darkest of times.
    We are teaching from a book in Sunday School right now, called "Lost in the Middle" and the grace of God, and that is exactly what it is teaching on.
    It is a great read if you like to read, I am on my 4th reading, it is that good and helpful. Paul David Tripp the author is always pointing us to what a good and loving Father we have.
    Hope you are doing well hon,
    Blessings, Nellie

  2. John Newton may have written it, but I certainly have lived it! I know you feel the same.

    As you reflect and remember your son this weekend, God is, indeed, with you and with him, therefore weaving together a beautiful thread that spins golden.

    One day, sister, one day soon…


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