Start Thinking Fall

Happy Labor Day Monday…..although the calendar might not agree, this long weekend always signals the beginning of fall – and our weather lately has even been agreeing with me! The cooler evenings and no humidity have been so nice. Our plans for this Labor Day are definitely reflective of our changing (grown-up) family – it used to be, we would head to a park for a picnic or up to the mountains for some hiking…but, this year, the guys are beyond excited to be going to the firing range to practice shooting! Go figure. This is a first for our family – but, I’m serious when I say they are all excited!

As fall “officially” starts in my mind, a few things I am looking forward to are….

1 – Back to school! It seems like everyone around us has already started school but around here the public schools don’t start back until Tuesday – and all the neighbor kiddos (the little ones, at least) are so excited…especially the ones going for the first time. I like the routine that back to school brings. I enjoy watching the kids walking to school each morning. And I enjoy that we are done with that at our house!

2 – Yard sales! I’m really not a big “yard saler”….I don’t have anything against yard sales and they do pique my curiosity when I drive by an exceptionally large one but I’ve never really been into the whole yard sale adventure. What I really don’t like is being the one having the yard sale…or laying all my unwanted “junk” on display in my yard for others to come and scrutinize. That said – I’m planning to participate in our community yard sale in two weeks. Ugh. I always promise myself I’ll never do again, and, yet here I am getting ready to do it again. It just has to be done.

3 – Pumpkin Lattes!! They are back at Starbucks – and I am in Heaven!! Go treat yourself today. 🙂

6 thoughts on “Start Thinking Fall

  1. Our public schools started after Labor Day when I was younger. I like that, instead of starting so early in August, like our schools do now. August is still summer in my book!! I'm with you, don't like the idea of getting things priced and organized to have a yard sale, but after I do it, I love that extra money. I do love to go to yard sales, but I don't do it every week. I just go every so often, but I have bought some awesome "treasures" at yard sales. I have heard from others that pumpkin lattes at Starbucks are really good too! I will have to try one. I also noted last night that the days are getting so much shorter now. Fall is definitely in the air!! Although I hate to see summer leave us, I love the fall, so I welcome it too!! Have a great day. Love & blessings from NC!

  2. Hi Jennifer,
    Hope you had a delightful time while your son was home.
    I too, am soooo ready for fall, the nights are starting to get a lil less hot, not cool, we are still in the 80, but I am hoping for low 70's soon, but not likely!!lol
    I have never had a pumpkin latte,
    I will have to see if they have one with decaf coffee. I have asked before about another type but unfortunately they didn't. I
    will have to tell hubby at least he could try it and maybe I will have a few sips of his!! Hey, that's a plan!! lol
    They have a starbucks in our target store which is the closest
    around here.
    I actually love garage sales but only if they are in really nice neighborhoods, cause I have seen some pretty junkie ones. Once I went to one and they had these horrible greasy plastic flowers for sale, and I was grossed out!!
    They should have thrown them in the trash by my estimation or at least soaked them in some dawn dishwashing liquid to cut the grease. I like to have them, but I rarely do because I hate all the preparation, but I love the talking with people that come, that is my only & favorite part I like!! and usually what we make we
    usually wind up spending part of it on take out dinner anyway cause we are too pooped from all the work and fun to cook afterwards!!
    Well, I am feeling Fall already on the inside of my house, I finished decorating this weekend,
    and Fall is in the air and we love it, can't wait for it to be Fall outside too!!
    Happy Labor Day and Happy Fall Hon,
    Blessings, Nellie

  3. Fall is also my favorite season! That is interesting that the schools start later. I like that! Our schools are entering their third week. Weather is easing off the heat, not really "cooling down", but fall is in sight! I went to Dollar General and purchased some cute (cheap!) fall decorations last week. Hope the yard sale goes well! I like to shop them, but not "do" them! On the book on hospitality, it is really good! Great ideas and great inspiration! Go ahead, pick it up!! Have a great day!

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