Christ Conquered Death for Me
We are having our spring revival at church this week. I do not remember the revival being so close to Easter before, but I have to admit the timing has…
Trading my ashes for beauty….that He might be glorified. Isaiah 61:3
We are having our spring revival at church this week. I do not remember the revival being so close to Easter before, but I have to admit the timing has…
Around my area, we have traffic. A lot of traffic. And with the traffic, we have a lot of auto accidents. The radios run the traffic reports as often as…
Thankful Thursday…and I would like to share a blessing I had this week. Before I do, I have to look back at Tuesday’s list of “things I love” …seems quite…
Thankful Thursday….and so much to be thankful for this week. Just to get me started – I received a letter from Jordan!! (I might have already mentioned that on Tuesday!)…
I know there is a wide array of opinions among Christians concerning credit cards – to have or not to have…to use or not to use. Some are completely against…