We Will Stand Our Ground

Having skipped the month of January for blogging, I never mentioned or elaborated about my word for the year.  I have found this “exercise” of choosing a word for the year to not only be fun, but have also been surprised the see how often the word, or its concept, presents itself in circumstances throughout the year.  It really is interesting and I really believe God has used my chosen word – or at least my focus on it- to teach me more than a few times during the years since I have done so.  This year, God laid the word “Rooted” on my heart.  Honestly, I had thought I would use another word but God kept bringing “Rooted” to my thoughts.  No arguing. So, my word for 2021 is ROOTED.

There are so many applications for this word.  So many reasons to desire deeper roots.  Strong roots that can keep us supported, secure and, as well, allow us to bloom.  I hope to post more about being rooted in the months ahead.  Today is a simple introduction – perhaps from a song that I have had on repeat in my head (and my Pandora!)  More on that in a minute.

I think we would all agree that recent days and months (long months!) have been turbulent.  Not only our routines and agendas have upended, but our emotions and minds have been challenged and strained.  Often to the max.  Many have felt discouraged, overwhelmed, or defeated.  For those of us who are Christians, so has our faith been challenged and we can just as easily be discouraged and overwhelmed.  And I believe the difficult winds are only going to continue to blow…and probably blow harder.  Not trying to be dramatic but if ever there was time to have deep roots, the time is now.

I once posted a photo of a single little pansy that had sprung up and bloomed in between the bricks on our front steps.  We certainly did not plant it there but a seed must have blown and it somehow caught root and produced the prettiest little bloom.  (I have looked and looked for that post from many years ago but, alas, it is not to be found.)  But, in that post, I remember expressing the idea similar to “bloom where you are planted” and how encouraged I was by that little purple flower.  However, I would not really want to be that bloom.  As soon as the sun became too hot, that bloom, with its incredible shallow, almost non-existent, roots withered and died.  There was a bloom – a beauty and something to enjoy – but only for short time.  How sad to think that could be said of me.  Or of my testimony.  No, I cannot lose my salvation but my testimony could be a bloom that cannot persevere during adversity unless I have strong roots.

The song I mentioned earlier is a southern gospel song (made popular by the Kingdom Heirs but apparently written by Dianne Wilkinson) called We Will Stand Our Ground.  I’m not sure when it was written but I have heard it for years….but is it ever applicable – and oh so encouraging – for this year.  For today.  I’ll leave you with the lyrics.  You can enjoy it here!  I hope it will encourage you as much as it has me lately!!

We Will Stand Our Ground

There are forces in the world today,
who oppose our Christian faith.
They attempt to destroy everything that’s holy,
and control what preachers say.
But God still has a few good men,
who won’t bend, won’t bow or burn,
they will fight to the end,
to defend that faith,
until the day that the whole world learns:

There are things we won’t give over.
There are things we’re fighting for.
The book and the blood and the rugged cross,
one faith, one way, one Lord.
When the world, and the flesh, and the devil press on,
and try to tear our strongholds down,
we will stand our ground.

Despite what the non-believers say,
our God has never changed.
His word still means everything it says,
it is now and forever the same.
The world may think they have won this fight,
but there are some who can still be found.
Who will never give in,
and will never give up,
we will stand our ground.

There are things we won’t give over.
There are things we’re fighting for.
The book and the blood and the rugged cross,
one faith, one way, one Lord.
When the world, and the flesh, and the devil press on,
and try to tear our strongholds down,
we will stand our ground.


10 thoughts on “We Will Stand Our Ground

  1. rooted. what an incredible word to focus on, to cling to in this unending, exhausting season of uncertainty.

    may our roots be grounded deep in Christ, so as the storms keep coming, we will be strong and solid and healthy enough to bear good fruit.

    loved this, Jennifer!

    1. Linda – I am always encouraged when you stop by! Thank you….and yes, may our roots withstand the storms and may we bear good fruit!!

  2. Rooted is a great word, Jennifer! I’m reminded of a river birch tree, best rooted near water’s edge for continual feeding – much like we need to be rooted in Christ for continual feeding on His living water. I look forward to hearing more about how your word appears through this year. 🙂

    1. Oh, I love that picture. Without the living water, there is just no chance of a healthy, rooted and thriving plant!! So glad you will be back – and follow along!

    1. Thank you, sweet friend. Always so glad when you stop by for a virtual visit. Wish we could catch up over a cup of coffee in real life…but glad for this connection, for sure!!

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