An unexpected update….Jordan called this morning!! I was just coming in and if he had called just two minutes earlier I would have missed the call – but I didn’t!! He started with, “I only have a minute” and, yes, I could hear the yelling “Hurry Up!” in the background!! But, I got his address, I heard his voice…and he told me he loves me!! It is, indeed, a Thankful Thursday!!
Thankful Thursday and I am beyond excitement with news and all that has been going on but I’m just not ready to share that yet! I hope all of you will be eager for “news” in the days ahead. I did want to share a few thoughts for Thankful Thursday about peace!
There is a song I’ve always loved about “Grace, Grace…Marvelous Grace”…but, honestly I have been singing that song “Peace, Peace, Wonderful Peace….” for the past couple days. The Lord put that tune in my heart and it has been such a blessing. Beginning on Monday and continuing even after we dropped Jordan off and through the next two days, I have had a peace that surprises even me. I completely expected to be a bit of a basket-case..but it has not been like that. Do I miss Jordan? You bet!! But even amidst the anxiety, the loneliness and the many mixed, intense emotions….there has been peace. A peace I am thankful for this Thursday.
I think there are, at least, two reasons for this peace….that passes understanding (or reason). One surely is prayer. I have prayed and I have been prayed for…..and prayers have been answered. I am so grateful for everyone’s notes, calls, kind words and blog comments! What an encouragement all of them have been to me.
I think there is also peace knowing that this is God’s will – not only for my son but for me as well. This week is what I have been training, molding and shaping my son for all these years. And when we place ourselves in the middle of God’s plan for our lives, there may be emotional (even difficult) moments…but all come with peace! I am thanking the Lord today for His peace.
I do think that when we’re able to trust God enough to know that whatever happens is His will for our lives, then there is great peace that comes with that. I just shared this scripture with another friend this morning from Proverbs 3:5-6…”Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and he will make your paths straight.” How very true that is! So glad for the peace that you have today!
Can’t wait to hear all about your news!
What better place to find peace than in the center of His will.
Can’t wait to hear your ‘good news’.
“How lovely on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who announces peace and brings good news of happiness..”
Today is truely a testimony to the Lord and his quiet ways. Your “Thankful Thursday” and your friends comments have reminded me that through my current struggles the trust I have in the Lord will see me through.
Have a Peaceful and Blessed day.
What a blessing to be in the center of God’s will. There we can rest and have His “peace that passeth all understanding.”
You are a blessing to me (and to my family). I can’t wait to hear about your good news!
Praying for you today!
Oh i’m so glad you were able to receive his call and here his voice if only for a minute! What a special phone call.