Don’t Forget to Remember

This is a day when all Americans from every walk of life unite in our resolve for justice and peace. America has stood down enemies before, and we will do so this time. None of us will ever forget this day. Yet, we go forward to defend freedom and all that is good and just in our world.
remarks from President Bush (emphasis mine)
I read a very convicting post last night with regards to 9/11…..the day that we all declared would never be forgotten – in our own lives and in the life of our nation. Yet, I think many – if not most – of us have forgotten. Sure – if we cause ourselves to reflect, we can remember where we were and what we were doing when the attacks occured; but, do we really remember so as to be impacted by those horrific events. Truthfully, and sadly, I can’t say that I really do.

I believe the key is just that – we need to cause ourselves to remember. Some things we want to forget – or, at least, set aside. Its more comfortable that way. Other things, we don’t necessarily want to forget but our minds are filled with so many things, that those events, memories and the lessons learned from them get “pushed aside.”

Just as the Israelites pulled stones from the river bed in order to erect a memorial – a tangible reminder of what God had done – we need real reminders of where God has lead us, what we have learned and how we have been blessed. Whether it is a public event, something experienced by only a few friends or family, or even a private time between just you and God….we must cause ourselves not to forget.

One thought on “Don’t Forget to Remember

  1. Yes, we need our stones of remembrance and we need to force the "pause" some days–not only to remember the tragedies, but greater to remember the faithfulness of God that has carried us "thus far". When I consider where I was on 9/11 and where I am now, I am grateful for the grace, growth, and mercy that have followed me and my family!

    I am grateful for every day I have on this earth; I know you feel the same.

    Have a blessed time of rest this weekend. Take good care of yourself.


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