Happy Wednesday! And another month is almost over. Just like that. For me, this month went rather quickly. Not sure what is different from month to month but some of them just seem to go by faster than others. There was quite a bit of celebrating this month and that might have something to do with it. Not sure, but here at the end of the month, I try to select one photo that sums up the month best for me. Quite honestly, I do not have a lot of photos from the past four weeks. Apparently, old habits have snuck back in and I forgot to take many pictures this month. I do not even have pictures from our birthday celebrations. Sigh.
I did find two photos which rather summed up this month for me. I mentally deliberated for far too long on which one to share. In the end, I went with this one:
A very a random snapshot of my family room coffee table. Here’s what I see when I look at this photo – God’s goodness. And His faithfulness.
1 – Those pretty yellow flowers are the end of a larger bouquet that my sweet daughter gave me to earlier in the month when we remembered Tyler’s heaven birthday. I talked about that here. Grief is complicated and can be a strange thing. We all miss Tyler so much and we each grieve differently, but we continue to support each other as a family. I know that is not the case for many who have walked grief’s deepest valleys and I do not take for granted the continued love of my family. The support they are not only to me but also to each other. That is God’s faithfulness.
2 – The cute fuzzy sheep is one from my (small but sweet) collection of sheep. I purchased it a few years ago while visiting Tyler’s best friend and meeting his new wife. We are all still close today and their son is (one of two) precious kiddos named in honor of Tyler. God’s goodness to me.
3 – Sheep always – always! – remind me that He is our great shepherd. As His child, He lovingly cares for, provides, protects and watches over me. That is immensely comforting but something I can forget or even take that truth for granted. The little sheep in my home are daily reminders of His goodness. It has been three months tomorrow since I finished chemo. God has been abundantly good to me in those three months but, if I am brutally honest, I can get focused on how far I have to go. Focused on the side effects (permanent or otherwise) of treatment. Focused on all the negative. Sad but true. I want to deliberately concentrate on all God has done for me. Exactly how He has, indeed, cared for, provided and protected me. How wonderful to have Him as my Shepherd.
This photo was, quite honestly, almost deleted. I snapped it and sent it to my daughter with another thanks for the flowers. Usually I would delete it afterwards but, for some reason, it was still on my phone. But, now, I’m rather glad that I saved it. It encouraged me today. I hope it will do the same for you.
Jennifer, I’m so sorry for your loss here on earth, but you knowing where he is and knowing you will see him again, is a wonderful thing. I love your thoughts on the sheep and he is so cute. Love your coffee table and that is a great picture.
Ah, thanks Cathy! You are so sweet:)
I am glad you didn’t delete this lovely photo, my friend. Prayers and love for your earthly loss.
Thank you friend! So appreciated!
I can’t imagine a loss that close but it’s great you remember God’s goodness through it all. Tyler is experiencing a life on the other side that we can’t even imagine how beautiful it is but you will get to be there with him one day and it will be amazing. God bless!
He certainly is, Dawn….and what a grand reunion there will be one day!!
I love hearing the memories and symbolism behind the picture and I am so glad you did not delete it!
Thanks, Joanne!
I am so glad you didn’t delete the photo and shared it here with us. Would be interested in the other photo you considered sharing, too. How appropriate that the last of the last flowers from that thoughtful bouquet from your daughter are a couple of stems of yellow blooms. I read that “yellow is one of the most significant colors in the Bible as it symbolizes faith, joy, his divine nature, and the glory of God.” – https://www.colorsexplained.com/color-yellow-meaning-of-the-color-yellow/ And I have always associated yellow as a color symbolizes missing someone who has passed. I cannot imagine the lifelong sorrow that comes from losing a child. Even over the years, I am certain that heartbreak stays very present.
That lamb looks so woolly and snuggly. I like lambs, a lot, too. Would probably enjoy collecting them if I had a place to put them among all the other things in this house. I have always liked the thought of God being our shepherd and we being His sheep.
I can relate to you wondering and, in our case, worrying, about what the future holds in regards to your cancer treatment and PC’s cancer diagnosis. I feel like we can breathe a sigh of relief that his PSA numbers have been undetectable since his surgery. But as much as I would like to dismiss this chapter forever, I am always wondering when the other shoe might drop. Sending up prayers for your restoration to health. Hope whatever side effects you are dealing with are resolved once you finish your treatment. XO
Jennifer, I love this idea – ‘highlight this memory.’
This choice keeps them from slipping away and gives them the honor they deserve.
Thinking of your Tyler even as we speak. Our Tyler’s homegoing will be in a week. These are hard seasons. I’m grateful for a loving heavenly Father.
Yes, Linda, so very grateful for our heavenly Father. I will say an extra prayer for you and yours this week. Thank you for stopping by!
It is amazing how one, somewhat random picture can explicit so many thoughts, feelings and emotions. Grief is different for everyone, there is no right or wrong way.
My goodness – you are right about that!