We had a first at church this past Sunday evening. (As our pastor later said, if you’ve been at the same church for almost 30 years, you’re bound to experience just about everything!) Literally minutes before he was to get up and preach, our pastor became ill – so ill, he had to leave the stage. I believe he was having blood sugar problems. As he left the stage, he pulled the assistant pastor aside and asked him to preach – and preach he did..with two minutes’ notice! What a testimony that so spoke to me.
He spoke about not being ashamed of Christ….nor of being a Christian. I received much from the message itself but I was really instructed by his readiness to speak and to share what God has been teaching him.
As I go through my day, am I not only willing to be known as a Christian – to be bold and unashamed – but am I also willing to speak up…..to share the gospel story and/or give testimony of what God is doing in my life? I don’t think I always am. This week, I am really meditating on Romans 1:16….
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first and also to the Greek.”
Good Morning! Wow…yes to be able to teach on 2 min. notice? Very impressive. I know when my son is going to teach he prepares for hours…and wants more time, haha…But I am with you totally on that message. It was similiar to the one we heard on Sun morning as well and it too had a big impact on me. He pointed out and reminded us that we don't need to worry about CLOSING the deal. All we need to do is be willing to talk and share what Jesus is doing in our lives. The Holy Spirit will close. But your right…we have to first be willing to be bold enough to open our mouths and speak out. But it really is what we have all been called to do. Great verse…Have a great day Jennifer. HUGS..
i agree with you. sometimes it's easier than others to speak our beliefs and as Christians we need to be able to tell everyone and anyone about our love for Jesus. it's just hard sometimes. i'm working on it everyday. having the courage to not be afraid or embarrassed to tell someone how much I love Jesus and how much he means to me!
that's awesome that the assistant pastor was able to jump in like that! and to speak to you in such a great way. i bet you aren't the only one he spoke to either!
I, too, was inspired by Pastor T's amazing ability to just "jump in there" and preach at a moment's notice. Such a wonderful testimony! I am also thinking on Romans 1:16 this week…
I enjoyed your post yesterday about your mugs. Many of ours tell a story, too…I especially liked your Heaven mug. Did you get it this morning? 🙂
Thanks for your post. There is much food for thought. We too should be ready to witness at any time. I'm not always ready to do that.
Thanks for the post. I wasn't there Sunday night, but I heard about it from my husband. That really does speak volumes about our assistant pastor. I wish I could say that I am always ready to share what Christ has done for me. But, unfortunately I fall short in that area! Good verse to meditate on!
Hi Jennifer,
Hope your Pastor is doing better by now! That is amazing isn't it when someone is called on to speak in a moments notice, my hubby has had to do that before, but the Lord is always faithful. I used to feel like I was not a good witness because I didn't give someone a full gospel presentation and once as I was sitting listening to a speaker who had the gift of evangelism and I was feeling that same condemnation coming on, and I started to pray and the Lord spoke to me and said Nellie, what is the number one reason you are a christian today?? and I had to think a few minutes, then I said to the Lord The Thomas family, and he said exactly and why??….because they lived a true christian life and loved me and took me to church with them, and
the idea of lifestyle evangelism dawned on me and I realized much that evening that helped me with this whole issue.
They didn't say much to me about the Lord, they just lived the life and loved me, and they are the number one reason I am a believer today, I looked at their lives and the lives in my family, and I chose what they had because I knew it had to do with God, and I wanted it!!
Not that we shouldn't be willing to speak up, but I heard it said once. In all ways preach the gospel and if necessary use words.
Our Pastor has a saying that I love. this might not be it exactly but it is the gist of it, witnessing is just bragging on God in the presence of others!
We should all know how to lead someone to the Lord and give a full gospel presentation if the need or opportunity should arise,
but sometimes I think we are better witnesses than we think!!
You are a great witness and testimony I might add!! And so
proud to know you because of it!!
Sorry I wrote a book!! lol
Blessings sweet hearted friend,
Love, Nellie