The Dependable One

What are some things that you can publicly thank God for, in relation to your husband?Today’s At the Well topic was a great exercise for me. And a bit admonishing, I’d have to admit. As I began to think over the things I am so grateful for with regards to my husband, the thought occurred to me…how often do I let him know how much I appreciate these things? Whether specific acts, wonderful memories of certain events, or particular traits that I love…am I purposeful to tell him and to thank him? Certainly, not as I should.

There were several things that really stood out to me but, one in particular, I thought I would share today. My husband is dependable. The dictionary gives some synonyms for dependable as: reliable, devoted, faithful, sure and steady. For many, he is reliable. Whether as an employee or as a “servant” at our church, he will be in his place and giving his best effort. For friends and family members, he is devoted and faithful. For certain, he is sure and particular! (Oh, but we love him for it.)

To me, especially, he is steady. He anchors me and gives me a sense of security – and a calm when life’s winds blow and the rains come. I am never promised what tomorrow might be…a sunny, peaceful day or a dark and stormy day…but God has given me a partner to steady me and to hold me tight. Thank you, Lord, for my husband.

9 thoughts on “The Dependable One

  1. Ahhh.. very nice! Men value themselves by what they can do; by their strength, and by their dependability. With all that you’ve been through together, being able to depend on your husband is a very, very important thing. I loved that Titus2 post, too… and realized that I need to spend some time every day going over my husband’s good points instead of focusing in on the bad. Let’s check back with each other in 2 weeks and see if we notice a difference! Blessings….

  2. This is a great exercise for us as wives. I often overlook the good things. I can relate to dependability, a very needed trait that can be overlooked, but I am so thankful for my husband’s dependability.

  3. I, too, can relate to the dependability. Steve is steady as a rock and I love that about him. I’m so glad you have that quality to admire in your husband as well. Great post!

  4. I try to thank my husband everyday for the sacrifices he makes for our family and for being so good to us. I, too, have been very blessed and I thank God for putting him in my life! Great post, Jennifer!

  5. You know I thought along the same lines…Do I TELL him enough how thankful I am for him and his dependability and faithfulness…as a leader of our family.

    Great reminder to all of us!!
    Thank you!

  6. Great post. I am in sink with you about having a dependable hubby. I have learned over the years that if I just let go and let Jesus and Larry work thing out life can be much simpler. Mine is
    DEPERDABLE….I’m so glad he is mine.


  7. You are right,…we should ask ourselves,…”when was the last time I told my husband thank you for all he does for me?”

    This blog post idea of sharing what we are thankful for concerning our husbands, is really a good one.

    It does us good to recount our blessings!

    Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

  8. very sweet post. we do sometimes forget to tell them how much they mean to us don’t we? i know i do. thank you for the great reminder for all of us wives out here. our hubbies are our rocks and we need to tell them how much we appreciate them.

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