The gathering At the Well today is a discussion about stress..or specifically, dealing with stressful days. The contributing writer today is a mother of seven! – so, well, she has totally different stress than I do; but we all have those days!! And, no doubt, we all have our favorite…
Tag: At the Well
The Refiners Fire
Today, I am meeting At The Well…and the discussion centers around sharing a story about how you have found complete fulfillment in your biblical purpose? For the last three years – since I became a grieving mom – I have thought much (MUCH) about “my purpose”. What could God possibly…
Simply A Phone Call
Today I am joining the discussion At the Well……. In the past, how has God lead you to serve someone in a way that was not quite how you would have expected? What can you do today to serve someone else without spending a dime? How have you benefited or…
Empathy in Order to Teach
Today’s question At the Well…..share with us what your starting point is in being an older woman who is well equipped to teach the younger …was a good one to get me thinking. I do want to be a helper, an encourager, and even a teacher to the younger women….
The Dependable One
What are some things that you can publicly thank God for, in relation to your husband?Today’s At the Well topic was a great exercise for me. And a bit admonishing, I’d have to admit. As I began to think over the things I am so grateful for with regards to…
Iron sharpeneth Iron
Over At the Well today, the discussion is about being a friend with our husband. I thought about this quite a bit last night and then saw this morning, today’s writer had chosen the same verse I had in mind – but that certainly wasn’t planned and I’ll share my…
You’re Gonna Miss This!
Before I begin, I feel like my post needs a bit of a disclaimer…it seems to me that lately all of my posts – a reflection of my thoughts, I suppose – center around the idea of my children “taking flight”…establishing lives of their own, growing up and needing me…
My Motivation
At the well……and today’s topic question is “What motivates you to do the things you do …especially the “good” things you?” Ironically, I have been pondering these thoughts for several weeks – before I knew of the well’s topic today. As I’ve noted before, a new season of life seems…
Good Monday morning – I am very excited about the beginning of the new blog I mentioned earlier last week…At the Well…and on Mondays I look forward to participating in their discussion groups. There are some really encouraging blogs linked up to this post – its even a little intimidating….